Lisa DiMartino NH Rep 2013 Voting Record

Here's a summary of Lisa DiMartino's 2013 voting record as a state representative for the state of New Hampshire:

DiMartino, Lisa - Democrat - Laconia HRA: 14.1% Committee: Health, Human Services & Elderly Affairs

Voted for ObamaCare:

HB271 Voted to expand ObamaCare in New Hampshire

SB194 Voted to direct tax dollars to facilitate abortion

SB129 Voted to market the health insurance provisions in ObamaCare

Voted for higher utility costs:

HB630 Voted against home insulation assistance for low income families

HB306 Voted in favor of higher electricity costs

Voted for higher taxes/fees:

HB185 Voted to increase taxes on home heating oil

CACR1 Voted against protections from income and sales taxes in New Hampshire

HB354 Voted against decreasing business taxes during difficult economic times

HB434 Voted to include loans made to NH businesses as taxable income

HB617 Am. 0696H. Voted to allow diverting money from the Highway Fund

HB617 Voted to allow diverting money from the Highway Fund

HB659 Voted to increase cigarette taxes

HB617 Voted to allow diverting money from the Highway Fund

HB185 Voted to increase taxes on home heating oil

HB295 Voted to increase the fee on youth camps

HB411 Voted to increase the fee for a boat license

HB2 Am. 1193H. Voted to downshift nursing home expenses to county taxpayers

HB2 Am. 1194H. Voted for increases in business taxes

HB2 Am. 1195H. Voted to increase cigarette taxes

HB2 Am. 1219H. Voted to increase fishing license fees

SB122 Voted to increase fees and license requirements for fishermen

HB295 Voted to increase the fee on youth camps

Voted against small businesses:

HB501 Voted to create a NH minimum wage

HB357 Voted to conceal applicant credit from potential employers

HB530 Voted against reducing paperwork required of small businesses

Voted against self-defense:

HB388 Voted to allow lawsuits against victims of gun theft

HB135 Voted to restrict the natural right of self-defense

HB451 Voted to restrict law abiding citizens carrying concealed firearms

Voted against liberty and freedom:

HB323 Voted to force non-union employees to pay union dues

HB146 Voted against raising the highway speed limit by 5 mph in the North Country

HB289 Voted against raising the interstate highway speed limit by 5-10 mph

HB291 Voted against raising the interstate highway speed limit by 5-10 mph

HB458 Voted in support of the crime of resisting an invalid arrest

HB242 Voted to expand required use of seat belts

HCR2 Voted to ask Congress to restrict freedom of speech

Voted against good government:

HB117 Voted against decreasing bureaucratic regulation of driveway permits

HB387 Voted to protect malicious and grossly negligent Guardians ad litem from being sued

HB325 Voted against rewarding state employees for cost saving suggestions

HB119 Voted to enable residents of other states to vote in NH

HB648 Voted to extend marital master appointments for a lifetime

HB595 Voted to accept expired student IDs as proof of NH voter eligibility

HB2 Am. 1177H. Voted to allow raiding of dedicated funds

HB2 Am. 1178H. Voted to allow raiding of dedicated funds

SB164 Voted to eliminate hazard analysis from coastal management plans

HB124 Voted for 45 year old minimum retirement age for state employees

HB595 Voted to weaken voter identification requirements

Voted against better schools:

HB370 Voted against business funded non-profit scholarship programs

HB2 Am. 1196H. Voted against funding the school building aid program

HB2 Am. 1200H. Voted to require more paperwork from charter schools

HB2 Am. 1201H. Voted for a moratorium on charter schools

HB2 Am. 1202H. Voted for changes to charter schools

HB2 Am. 1203H. Voted to repeal the education tax credit

HB2 Am. 1204H. Voted against funding charter schools

SB48 Voted to force federal educational initiatives on local school districts

SB48 Voted to change labels on bad schools to sound betterBad votes 2013
other bad votes

Miscellaneous Issues:

HB106 Voted against reimbursement of service fees in landlord/tenant disputes

HB144 Voted to enable town officials to enter into agreements with foreign powers

HB423 Voted against prohibiting manipulation of warrant articles by amendment

HB483 Voted against providing women with medical information about abortions

HB448 Voted for an unconstitutional redistricting of some towns

HB467 Voted against reducing health care costs through economies of scale

HB264 Voted for excessive punishment for unwanted touching

HB2 Am. 1186H. Voted against more funds for economic development

SB43 Voted for property tax exceptions for buildings in historic districts

SB124 Voted to add two more positions to the developer permitting bureaucracy

SB170 Voted against clarification of "end of life" declaration documents

SB152 Voted to use a private casino gambling monopoly revenue to expand state government

SB20 Voted to enable collection of GPS data of friends & family of those convicted of DWI

HB472 Voted to broaden the reach of landlord/tenant regulation to temporary housing

Posted by Tim Carter at 7:27 AM

The Ruling Class and the US Constitution

Are you a student of World History? You should be. It gives you a great perspective on what's going on today.

Look back in time to before the 1770-1780's. Prior to that time, regular people had few rights. Land was controlled by pharaohs, emperors, kings, queens, dukes and dictators.

You lived on their land at their pleasure. You did what they said or you paid the price. Some of them were kind, some were despots.

These rulers all had one thing in common. They had a ruling class of people under them that allowed them to stay in power. It was impossible for a ruler to rule thousands by him / herself.

To keep the ruling class happy, the ruler would shower gifts and benefits onto them. This is simple reciprocity. If you were lucky enough to be in the ruling class, you got all sorts of goodies.

Land grants were one of these things. Look back at the late 1600's and early 1700's here in the USA. The king of England, to reward those that kept him in power, gave away large tracts of land to his buddies.

These members of the ruling class would then sell off tracts of the massive land grants to cash in.

How does this relate to what's happening today? I maintain that ALL of the US Presidents are guilty of feathering the nests of their buddies that got them into office.

It's the same mechanics that have happened all along. It's all about reciprocity.

The campaign donors get guaranteed loans. Look at the Solyndra scandal. Look at all the *green energy* projects. Do you REALLY think that all those horrific windmills you see are for our benefit? No way. Those are payoffs to the people that put the leaders in power.

My point is that none of this is new and that the only difference now is that the wealthy ruling class here in the USA are actively trying to turn back the hands of time.

They don't like all the rights we were granted in the US Constitution. They're working hard each day to dismantle the US Constitution because they want you and I to have to ask their permission to do anything and everything.

Don't believe me?

Then explain this. When was the last time you read a story about thousands of laws being repealed? You don't because it doesn't happen.


Each time a new law is passed, you lose more of your freedom. That's a fact.

Each time a new regulation is written by an invisible unelected bureaucrat, you lose MORE of your freedom. That's a fact.

When will you finally throw a brick through a government office window during a protest?

My guess is when you finally have NOTHING ELSE to lose.

You need to get up off the couch and do something before you lose another one of your rights.

You need to become a true activist.

Posting things on Facebook doesn't count. Attending a local tea party meeting doesn't make you an activist.

You need to go out and engage other people. You need to go out and spread the facts. You need to get ACTIVE.

If you don't, I guarantee you that you or your children will become a REPEAT of history. The US Constitution will lie shredded under the rotunda of the US Capital while the Ruling Class dances on top of it.

Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Posted by Tim Carter at 9:11 AM